The Php RSS 2.0 Writer class has been recently updated to include the option of writing CDATA in the RSS feed item title or description components. This allows the feed to be parsed even when the content within a feed item contains special characters that would usually be parsed as an XML element, such as HTML code. When the xml parser reaches a CDATA tag, the content within will be ignored, allowing special characters to be included in the content. Please note that you are still required to encode any special character that appears in a CDATA tag, which is commonly '<', '>' and '&' characters.
View more details about the update and the Php RSS 2 Writer class file. Further information is also available ablut the recent updates to the class as well as general usage information for the class. The class file and sample constructor is also available for downloaded on this page.
The CDATA update was prompted by an issue someone was having when trying to generate an RSS Feed using the class. View the RSS Feed CDATA Troubleshooting post.
[Update: The Php RSS 2.0 Writer class that this post refers to has been upgraded, and has also moved to a dedicated site. The updated package is now Php FeedWriter, which supports output of multiple RSS formats and also Atom 1.0. A tutorial is available on this blog to help with: Creating a custom feed using Php FeedWriter. A link to download the package for free is available from the post also. ]
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