The following demonstrates a method of logging clicks on hyperlinks to external sites using Php and MySQL. This can be used to generate statistics for content on your site such as "Popular links/sites", or keeping track of a frequent user or member's actions (ie. Recently Browsed).
The Php uses the PEAR MDB2 Package to create a connection to the database. For information on installing or using PEAR and the MDB2 package, see
Once the processing has completed for the item/link, the user is redirected to the address of the selected url.
<?php require_once('include/DbController.php'); $url = ""; $item_id = null; //Create/get an instance of the DBController $db = DbController::instance(); //get item url from query string if(isset($_GET['id'])) { $item_id = $_GET['id']; //Get url of item if ($item_id != "") { $item = $db->getItem($item_id); if(empty($item)) { $url = "./"; } else { $url = $item['url']; //log hit statistics //Not currently logging members $success = $db->logStats($item_id, NULL); /* //Debug if ($success == true) { print "Logged Successfully<br/>"; } else { print "Logging Failed<br/>"; */ } } else //No id supplied - redirect to site root { $url = "./"; } } else //No url found - redirect to site root { $url = "./"; } Header ("Location: $url"); //print $url; ?> |
The DBController class provides a constructor, which uses MDB2 to construct a DSN and connect to the database. When the instance() method is called, an instance is created if required, or retured if an instance exists. Currently, the id, the current date/time and member id is captured for each click on a hyperlink or item.
<?php require_once('MDB2.php'); class DbController { private static $instance; private $db; //This function is called to create an instance of //the DBController class, or return the instance if it //already exists public static function instance() { if(isset(DbController::$instance)) { return DbController::$instance; } else { $instance = new DbController; return $instance; } } //Constructor - create database connection private function __construct() { //connect to the db $host = 'localhost'; $port = '6345'; $user = 'dbuser'; $pass = 'password'; $dbase = 'dbname'; //Construct DSN and connect to the database $dsn = "mysql://$user:$pass@$host:$port/$dbase"; $this->db = MDB2::factory($dsn, array('debug' => 4)); } //This function takes the id of the link or item which was clicked //on and creates a record in the database. Changes are not applied //if an error occurs. public function logStats($item_id, $member_id = NULL) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `dbname`.`statatisticss` ( `hit_id`, `item_id`, `date_time`, `member_id` ) VALUES ( NULL, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ?) "; $this->db->beginTransaction(); $params = array($item_id, $member_id); $types = array("integer","integer","timestamp","integer"); $stmt = $this->db->prepare($sql, $types); $res = $stmt->execute($params); if($res == false) { $this->db->rollback(); return false; } else { $this->db->commit(); return true; } } } |
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